Wee Sing Wiki
Off We Go To Singalingaland

Off We Go To Singalingaland

"Off We Go To Singalingaland" is the first song from Wee Singdom: The Land of Music and Fun. Wee Sing characters Punchinello, Sillywhim, Little Bunny Foo Foo, Weeber, Snoodle then Doodle, then Trunky (originally Tusky) all who were from earlier Wee Sing Videos, rode the Wee Sing Train to Singalingaland where Singaling (voiced by Mikey Moran) and Warbly (voiced by Maureen Robinson) are hosting a big musical party called "The Wee Sing Festival". Singalingaland also happens to be the well-known extension of Tim and Annie's game board, Wee Singdom. 
